Jornada LTER Plant List

                                  LIST UPDATED December 4, 2014

Scientific/Common_Names @             Code$Habit%Form& Hbtat#   Phnlgy?Path+STAT<  REFER!Voucher=
------------------------------------- ----- --- -----  -----    ------ ---- -----  ------ ------
Abutilon malacum Wats. (Malv.)        ABMA   P   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1040 S-1950
Acacia constricta Benth. (Fabac.)     ACCO   P  SHRUB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 772
    White thorn
Acacia neovernicosa Isley (Fabac.)    ACNE   P  SHRUB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 772
    Resin-leaf white thorn
Acalypha neomexicana Muell. Arg.      ACNM   A   FORB  BS          SU   .     NAT  CJ 945
    (Euph.) Three-seeded mercury
Acanthochiton wrightii Torr.          ACWR   A   FORB  MR          SU   .     .    CJ 562
    (Amaranth.) Green stripe
Allionia choisyi Standley             ALCH   P   FORB  GB          SU   .     NAT
Allionia incarnata L (Nyct.)          ALIN   P   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 577
Allium macropetalum Rydb. (Lil.)      ALMA   P   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 389 S-2220
    Wild onion
Aloysia wrightii (Gray) Heller        ALWR   P  SHRUB  MS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1334
    (Verbenac.) Oreganillo Bee-Brush
Amaranthus blitoides Wats.            AMBL   A   FORB  PC          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 560 S-2371
    (Amaranth.) Prostrate pigweed
Amaranthus crassipes Schlect.         AMCR   A   FORB  PS          SU   .     .
Amaranthus fimbriatus (Torr.) Wats.   AMFI   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 558
    (Amaranth.) Fringed amaranth
Amaranthus palmeri Wats. (Amaranth.)  AMPA   A   FORB  PC          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 555 S-2370
Amaranthus pubescens (Uline & Bray)   AMPU   A   FORB  PC          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 560 S-2365
    Rydb. (Amaranth.) Pigweed
Ambrosia acanthicarpa Hook. (Aster.)  AMAC   A   FORB  MW,PT       SU   .     NAT  CJ1632 P-315
    Bur ragweed
Ammocodon chenopodioides (Gray)       AMCH   P   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 587 S-2156
    Standl. (Nyct.) Goosefoot moonpod
Amsonia arenaria Standl. (Apocyn.)    AMAR   P   FORB  .           SP   .     NAT  CJ1214
    Sand bluestar
Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht (Malv.)  ANCR   A   FORB  GS          SU   .     NAT  CJ1054
    Spurred anoda
Aphanostephus ramosissimus DC         APRA   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1613
    (Aster.) Lazy daisy
Apodanthera undulata Gray. (Cucurb.)  APUN   P   FORB  BF          SU   .     NAT  CJ1510
Aristida adscensionis L (Poac.)       ARAD   A  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA  51 S-2358
    Six-weeks Three-awn
Aristida glauca (Nees) Walp.          ARNE
   (= A. purpurea var. nealleyi)
Aristida hamulosa Henr.               ARHA
   (= A. ternipes var. hamulosa)
Aristida havardii Vasey (Poac.)       ARVA   P  GRASS  .           SU   C4    NAT  KA  53
Aristida longiseta Steud.             ARLO
   (= A. purpurea var. Longiseta)
Aristida pansa Woot. & Standl. var.   ARDI   P  GRASS  .           SU   C4    NAT  KA  55
   dissita (I.M. Johnston) Beetle
Aristida pansa Woot. & Standl. var.   ARPA   P  GRASS  .        SP-SU   C4    NAT  KA  55
   pansa (I.M. Johnston) Beetle
   (Poac.) Wootonís Threeawn
Aristida purpurea Nutt. var.          ARLO   P  GRASS  BF       SP-SU   C4    NAT  KA  56 S-2252
    longiseta (Steud.) Vasey
    (=Aristida longiseta)
    (Poac.) Red threeawn  (may
    include some A. purpurea Nutt.)
Aristida purpurea Nutt. var.          ARNE   P  GRASS  BF       SP-SU   C4    NAT  KA  56
    nealleyi (Vasey) Allred
    (=Aristida glauca)
    (Poac.) Reverchon threeawn
    (lumped with A. wrightii for
Aristida purpurea Nutt. Var. perplexa ARPE   P  GRASS  GX       SP-SU   C4    NAT  KA
    Allread & Valdes (Poac.) Jornada
Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. purpurea ARPU   P  GRASS  BF          SP   C4    NAT  KA  55
    (Poac.) Purple threeawn  (lumped
    with A. longiseta for analysis)
Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. wrightii ARWR   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA  57
    (Nash) Allred
    (=Aristida wrightii) (Poac.)
    Wright's threeawn  (may include
    some A. glauca (Ness) Walp.)
Aristida ternipes Cav. var. hamulosa  ARHA   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA  54
    (Herrard) Trent
    (=Aristida hamulosa) (Poac.)
    Poverty threeawn
Aristida ternipes Cav. var. ternipes  ARTE   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA  52
    (Poac.) Spider grass
Aristida wrightii Nash. (Poac.)       ARWR
   (= A. purpurea var. wrightii)
Artemisia glauca Pall. (Aster.)       ARGA   P   FORB              SU   C3    NAT  CJ1707
Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. (Aster.)  ARLU   P  S-SHR  MS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1706
    Louisiana White Sage
Asclepias brachystephana Engelm.      ASBR   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1232 S-2289
    (Asclep.) Milkweed
Asclepias nyctaginifolia Gray.        ASNY   P   FORB  TW       SP-SU   .     NAT  KP662  P-376
Asclepias subverticillata (Gray)      ASSU   P   FORB  PS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1231
    Vail. (Asclep.)
Astragalus allochrous Gray (Fabac.)   ASAL   B   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 847 S-2210
Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt.         ASCR   P   FORB  GI          SP   .     NAT  CT 845
    (Fabac.) Ground plum
Astragalus mollissimus Torr. var.     ASMO   P   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 844
    Bigelovii (Gray) B.L. Turner
    (Fabac.) Woolly locoweed
Astragalus nuttallianus A. DC var.    ASNU   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 849 S-2224
    austrinus (Small) Rydb. (Fabac.)
Astragalus tephrodes Gray var.        ASTE   P   FORB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  KP 459 S-2231
    tephrodes (Fabac.)
Astragalus wootonii Sheld. (Fabac.)   ASWO   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 847
    Locoweed, garbancillo
Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt.      ATCA   P  SHRUB  BS       SP-SU   C4    NAT  CJ 543
    (Cheno.) Four-wing saltbush
Avena fatua L. (Gramin.)              AVFA   A  GRASS  .           .    .   INTRO  KA  59
Bahia absinthifolia Benth. (Aster.)   BAAB   P   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1699 S-2151
Bahia biternata Gray (Aster.)         BABI   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1699 S-2391
Bahia pedata Gray (Aster.)            BAPE   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1698 S-2390
Baileya multiradiata Harv. & Gray     BAMU   P   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1701 S-2253
    (Aster.) Desert marigold
Berlandiera lyrata Torr. (Aster.)     BELY   P   FORB  BS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1624 W-s.n.
Bidens heterosperma Gray. (Aster.)    BIHE   A   FORB  BS          SU   .     NAT  KP 911
    Rocky Mountain beggarticks
Boerhavia coccinea Mill. (Nyct.)      BOCO   P   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 595 S-1943
    Scarlet spiderling
Boerhavia gracillima Heimerl.         BOGL   P   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 595 S-1949
    (Nyct.) Bush-Spiderling
Boerhavia intermedia M.E. Jones       BOIN   A   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 596 S-2366
    (Nyct.) Umbel-Spiderling
Boerhavia spicata Choisy (Nyct.)      BOSP   A   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 597 S-1947
Boerhavia wrightii Gray  (Nyct.)      BOWR   A   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 597
Bothriochloa barbinodis (Lag.) Herter BOBR   P  GRASS  CC          SU   .     NAT  KA  90
    (Gramin.) Cane bluestem
Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng      BOIS   P  GRASS  .           SU   .   INTRO  KA  61
    (Gramin.) Yellow bluestem
Bothriochloa saccaroides (Sw.) Rydb.  BOTO
   (= B. laguroides var. torreyana)
Bothriochloa laguroides (DC.) Herter  BOTO   P  GRASS  MS          SU   C4    NAT  KA  61
    subsp. torreyana (Steud.) Allred
    & Gould
    (=Bothriochloa saccaroides)
    (Gramin.) Silver bluestem
Bothriochloa springfieldii (Gould)    BOSR   P  GRASS  .           SU   C4    NAT  KA  62
    Parodi (Poac.) Springfieldís
Bouteloua aristidoides (H.B.K.)       BOAR   A  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA  65
    Griseb. (Poac.) Needle grama
Bouteloua barbata Lag. (Poac.)        BOBA   A  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA  68 S-2357
    Six-weeks grama
Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. BOCU   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA  65 S-2364
    (Poac.) Side-oats grama
Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr.      BOER   P  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA  63 S-2385
    (Poac.) Black grama
Brachiaria arizonica (Scribn.&Merr.)  BRAR   A  GRASS  GI          SU   C4    NAT  KA  70
    S.T. Blake (Poac.) Arizona
Brachiaria fasciculata (S.W.) Parodi  BRFA   A  GRASS  GS          SU   C4    NAT  KA  70
    (=Panicum fasciculatum) (Poac.)
    Browntop Panic panic grass
Brickellia californica (T.&G.) Gray   BRCA   P  SHRUB  MS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1546
    (Comp.) California brickellbush
Brickellia laciniata Gray (Aster.)    BRLA   P  SHRUB  BA          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1546
    Cutleaf brickellbush
Caesalpinia jamesii (T.&G.) Fisher    CAJA   P   FORB  .        SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ 796
    (Fabac.) Caesalpinia
Calliandra humilis Benth (Fabac.)     CAHU   P   FORB  PC       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 770 S-2372
    False mesquite
    Early data coded as CAHA          CAHA   P  S-SHR  PC       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 770 S-2372
Calycoseris Wrightii Gray (Aster.)    CAWR   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1729 S&W-2806
    White cup-fruit
Camissonia chamaenerioides (Gray)     CACH   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1121
    Raven (Onagr.) = (Oenothera ch.)
Carlowrightia linearifolia (Torr.)    CALI   P  S-SHR  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1468 S-1945
    Gray (Acanth.)
Cassia bauhinioides A. Gray (Fabac.)  CABA   P   FORB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 787 L-1227
    Twin-leaf, two-leaved senna
Cenchrus incertus M.A. Curtis (Poac.) CEIN   A  GRASS  .        SP-SU   .     NAT  KA  81
Ceratoides lanata (Pursh) J.T. Howell CELA   P  SHRUB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ 545
    (Cheno.) Winterfat (= Eurotia lanata)
Cevallia sinuata Lab. (Loasaceae)     CESI   P  S-SHR  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ1063
    Stinging cevallia
Chaenactis stevioides Hook. & Arn.    CHST   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  KP 922 S-2255
    (Aster.) Desert false yarrow
Chamaesaracha coronopus (Dun.) Gray   CHCO   P   FORB  GS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1741
    (Solan.) Crowfoot chamaesaracha
Chamaesaracha sordida (Dun.) Gray     CHSO   P   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1393
    (Solan.) Dingy chamaesaracha
Cheilanthes tomentosa Link.           CHTO   P   FERN  MS               C3    NAT  CJ  57
    (Polypod.) Woolly lipfern
Chenopodium incanum (Wats.) Heller    CHIN   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ 535 S-2363
    (Cheno.) Mealy goosefoot
Chenopodium leptophyllum Nutt.        CHLE   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ 534
    (Cheno.) Narrowleaf goosefoot
Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) Sweet.      CHLI   P  SHRUB  BA       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1444
    (Bign.) Desert willow, mimbre
Chloris virgata Swartz. (Poac.)       CHVI   A  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA  82 S-2369
    Feather fingergrass
Chrysothamnus pulchellus (Gray)       CHPU   P  SHRUB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ1577
    Greene. (Poac.) Southwestern
Cirsium ochrocentrum Gray (Aster.)    CIOC   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1717 S-2378
    Yellow-spine thistle
Commelina erecta L. (Comm.)           COER   P   FORB  MS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ 358
Condalia Warnockii M.C. Johnst.       COWA   P  SHRUB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1014
    (Rham.) Crucillo
Convolvulus equitans Benth. (Convol.) COEQ   P   FORB  GB       SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1246
    (=C. incanus) Texas bindweed
Conyza canadensis (L.)Cronq. (Aster.) COCA   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1608
    Horseweed (=Erigeron Canadensis)
Conyza Coulteri Gray. (Aster.)        COCO   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1609
Corispermum nitidum Schult.           CONI   A   FORB  MW          SU    .  INTRO  CJ 547
    (Chenop.) Tickseed
Corydalis aurea Willd. (Fumar.)       COAU   A   FORB  PC          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 670 S&W-2804
Coryphantha macromeris (Engelm.)      COMA   P  ST-SU  BF          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1110
    Britt. & Rose (Cact.)
    Needle cactus
Coryphantha scheeri (O. Ktze.) L.     COSC   P  ST-SU  GB TW       .   CAM    NAT  CJ1110
    Benson (Cact.) Pineapple cactus
Coryphantha vivipara (Engelm.)        COVI   P  ST-SU  BF          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1110
    (Nutt.) Britt. & Rose (Cact.)
Croton Pottsii (Kl.) Muell. Arg. var. CRPO   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 936 S-2286
    Pottsii (=C. corymbulosus) (Euph.)
Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.)       CRAN   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1299 S-2258
    Greene (Borag.)(may include CRCR)
    Narrow-leaf catís-eye
Cryptantha barbigera (Gray) Greene.   CRBA   A   FORB  TT          SP   .     NAT  CJ1299
    (Borag.) Bearded catís-eye
Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. &      CRCR   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1298 S-2219
    Gray) Greene (Borag.) (early
    years may have called CRAN)
    Thick-sepal catís eye
Cryptantha Jamesii (Torr.) Pays.      CRJA   P   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1299 S-2260
    var. setosa (M.E. Jones) Shinners
    (Borag.) Jameís popcorn
Cryptantha micrantha (Nutt.) Johnst.  CRMI   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1296 S-2233
Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene  CRPT   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1298
Cryptantha pusilla (T.&G.) Greene     CRPU   A   FORB  TW          SP   .     NAT  CJ1298
Cucurbita foetidissima HBK (Cucurb.)  CUFO   P   VINE  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1510 S-2290
    Buffalo gourd
Cuscuta umbellata HBK (Cuscut.)       CUUM   P   VINE  PC          SU  PAR    NAT  CJ1261 S-2379
Cyperus esculentus L. (Cyper.) Yellow CYES   P  GRASS  PC          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 291
Cyphomeris gypsophiloides (Mart.      CYGY   P   FORB  CG          SU   .     NAT  CJ 591
    & Gal.) Standl. (Nyctag.)
    Red Cyphomeris
Dalea formosa Torr. (Fabac.)          DAFO   P  SHRUB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 826 S-2223
    Feather indigobush, feather plume
Dalea nana Torr. (Fabac.)             DANA   P   FORB  GI       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 825
    Dwarf dalea
Dalea scoparia Gray (Fabac.)          DASC   P  SHRUB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ 821
    (=Psorothamnus scoparius (Gray)
    Rydb.) Broom pea
Dasylirion Wheeleri Wats. (Lilia.)    DAWH   P  SHRUB  MS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 405
Dasyochloa pulchella (HBK) Hitchc.    DAPU   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA  87
    (Poac.) Fluffgrass (= Tridens p.;
     =Erioneuron pulchellum)
Datura Wrightii Regel. (Solan.)       DAWR   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1405
    (=Datura meteloides DC)
    Jimson. weed.
Delphinium virescens Nutt. (Ranun.)   DEVI   P   FORB  BS          SU   .     NAT  CJ 639
Descurainia pinnata (Walt.) Britton   DEPI   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 683 S-2216
    ssp. ochroleuca (Woot.) Detling
    (Cruc.) Tansy-mustard
Desmanthus cooleyi (Eat.) Trel.       DECO   P   FORB  GI          SU   .     NAT  CJ 781
    (Fabac.) Cooley's bundleflower
Digitaria californica (Benth.) Henr.  DICA   P  GRASS  BS       SP-SU   C4    NAT  KA  91
    (Poac.)  Arizona Cottontop
    (see Trichachne californica)
Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene var.   DISP   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA  92
    stricta (Torr.) Beetle
    (Poac.) Desert saltgrass
Dithyrea Wislizenii Engelm. (Cruc.)   DIWI   B   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 706 S-2218
    Spectacle pod
Draba cuneifolia Nutt. var.           DRCU   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 694 S-2226
    cuneifolia (Cruc.)
Dyssodia acerosa DC (Aster.)          DYAC   P  SHRUB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1681 S-2225
Dyssodia papposa (Vent.) Hitchc.      DYPA   A   FORB  TE          SU   .     NAT  CJ1680
Dyssodia pentachaeta (DC.) Robins.    DYPE   P   FORB  BD       SP-SU   .     NAT
Echinocactus horizonthalonius Lem.    ECHO   P  ST-SU  BF          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1104
    (Cact.) Turk's head, devil's head
Echinocereus Fendleri Engelm. var.    ECFE   P  ST-SU  BF          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1097
    fendleri (Cact.)
Echinocereus pectinatus (Scheidw.)    ECPE   P  ST-SU  BF          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1098
    Engelm. var. neomexicanus (Coult.)
    L. Benson (Cact.)
Echinocereus triglochidiatus Engelm.  ECTR   P  ST-SU  BF          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1096
    var. Guerneyi L. Benson (Cact.)
Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link         ECCO   A  GRASS  PC          SU   .   INTRO  KA  93
Enneapogon desvauxii Beauv. (Poac.)   ENDE   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA 105 S-1951
    Spike pappus-grass
Ephedra trifurca Torr. (Ephed.)       EPTR   P  SHRUB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ  81 S-2256
    Mormon-tea, canatilla
    (includes some EPTO)
Ephedra torreyana Wats. (Ephed.)      EPTO   P  SHRUB  BS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ  82 S&W-2807
    Mormon Tea, Torrey joint-fir
    (not differentiated from EPTR)
Eragrostis arida Hitchc.              ERMI
   (= E. pectinacea var. miserrima)
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) E.      ERCI   A  GRASS  PC          SU   C4  INTRO  KA 106 S-2356
    Mosher (Poac.) Stinkgrass
Eragrostis Lehmanniana Ness.          ERLE   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4  INTRO  KA 109 S-2389
    (Poac.) Lehman's Love Grass
Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees   ERMI   A  GRASS  PC          SU   C4    NAT  KA 108 S-2374
    var. miserrima (Fourn.) J.Reeder
    (=Eragrostis arida) (Poac.)
    Desert lovegrass
Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Nees   ERPE   A  GRASS  PC          SU   C4    NAT  KA 107
    var. pectinacea  (Poac.)
    Carolina lovegrass
Eriastrum diffusum (Gray) Mason       ERDI   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1267 S-2207
Ericameria laricifolia (Turpentine    ERLA   P  SHRUB  MS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1578
    bush) (Gray) Shinners (Aster.)
Erigeron Bellidiastrum Nutt. (Aster.) ERBE   A   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1607
    Western Fleabane
Erigeron divergens T. & G. (Aster.)   ERDV   P   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1606 S-2232
    Spreading fleabane
Eriogonum abertianum Torr. (Polyg.)   ERAB   A   FORB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 516
    Abert's desert wild buckwheat
Eriogonum annuum Nutt. (Polyg.)       ERAN   A   FORB  GI       SP-SU   .     .    CJ 515
    Annual buckwheat
Eriogonum rotundifolium Benth.        ERRO   A   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 516
    (Polyg.) white wild buchwheat
Eriogonum trichopes Torr. (Polyg.)    ERTR   A   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  KP 238
    yellow desert wild buckwheat
Eriogonum Wrightii Torr. (Polyg.)     ERWR   P   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ 514
    Wright's wild buckwheat
Erioneuron pulchellum (HBK) Takeoka   DAPU
   (= Dasyochloa pulchella)
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Her (Geran.)ERCC   A   FORB  BS          SP   C3  INTRO  CJ 892
Erodium texanum Gray. (Geran.)        ERTE   A   FORB  BS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 892
Erysimum capitatum (Dougl.) Greene.   ERCA   P   FORB  CG,GS    SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ 688
    (Cruc.) Douglas's wallflower
Eschscholzia mexicana                 ESME   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 662 S-2209
    (Papav.) Mexican golden poppy
Eucrypta micrantha (Torr.) Heller     EUMC   A   FORB  MS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1274
Euphorbia albomarginata T. & G.       EUAL   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C4    NAT  CJ 980 S-2352
    (Euph.) Rattlesnake weed
Euphorbia dentata Michx. (Euph.)      EUDE   A   FORB  GS       SP-SU   C4    NAT  CJ 970
Euphorbia glyptosperma Engelm.        EUGL   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 977 S-2354
    (Euph.) Ridgeseed spurge
Euphorbia micromera Engelm. (Euph.)   EUMI   A   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 978 S-2349
    Small-leaf desert spurge
Euphorbia parryi Engelm. (Euph.)      EUPA   A   FORB              SU   .     NAT  CJ 973
    Parryís spurge
Euphorbia revoluta Engelm. (Euph.)    EURE   A   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 974
    Round-leaf desert spurge
Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers. (Euph.) EUSR   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 976 S-2375
    Thymeleaf spurge
Euphorbia serrula Engelm. (Euph.)     EUSE   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 983 S-2350
    Serrate-leaf desert spurge
Euphorbia setiloba Engelm. (Euph.)    EUST   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 981
    Yuma spurge
Eurotia lanata (see Ceratoides)
Evolvulus Nuttallianus R. & S.        EVNU   P   FORB  GI       SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1244
Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl.      FAPA   P  SHRUB  BA       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 750
    (Rose) Apache plume
Ferocactus Wislizenii (Engelm.)       FEWI   P  ST-SU  BF          SU  CAM    NAT  CJ1103
    Britt. & Rose (Cact.) Barrel
Flourensia cernua DC (Aster.)         FLCE   P  SHRUB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1653
Fouquieria splendens Engelm. (Fouq.)  FOSP   P  SHRUB  MS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1070
Froelichia arizonica Thornb.          FRAR   P   FORB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ 570
    (Amaran.) Arizona snakecotton
Gaillardia pinnatifida Torr. (Aster.) GAPI   P   FORB  GI       SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1673
Galium microphyllum Gray (Euphor)     GAMI   P   FORB  MS       SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1482
Gaura parviflora Dougl. (Onag.)       GAPA   A   FORB  PC       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1124
Garrya wrightii Torr. (Cornaceae)     GAWR   P  SHRUB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ1171
    Wrightís silktassle
Gilia flavocincta A. Nels. ssp. 	     GIFL   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1266 S-2213
    australis V. Grant (Polemon.)
Gilia mexicana A.&V. Grant            GIME   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1266
Gilia sinuata Dougl. (Polemon.)       GISI   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  KP 691
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dun.      GRSQ   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1571
    (Aster.)Curly-cup gumweed
Haplopappus laricifolius              ERLA
    (see Ericameria laricifolius)
Haplopappus gracilis (Nutt.) Gray.    HAGR   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1583
    (Aster.) = Machaeranthera gr.
Hedyotis humifusa Gray. (Rubiaceae)   HEHU   A   FORB  UP13     SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1489
Helianthus annuus L. (Aster.)         HEAN   A   FORB  GS          SU   .     NAT  CJ1641
    Common sunflower
Helianthus ciliaris DC (Aster.)       HECI   P   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1651 L-1223
Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. (Aster.)  HEPE   A   FORB  GI          SU   .     .    CJ1652
    Plains sunflower
Heliotropium convolvulaceum (Nutt.)   HECO   A   FORB  GI          SU   .     NAT  CJ1290
    Gray. (Borag.) Bindweed
Heliotropium greggii Torr. (Borag.)   HEGR   P   FORB  .        SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1289
    Fragrant heliotrope
Heterotheca fulcrata (Greene)         HEFU   P   FORB  MS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1568 S-1941
    Shinners (Aster.)
Hilaria mutica (Buckl.) Benth.        PLMU
   (= Pleuraphis mutica)
Hoffmanseggia drepanocarpa Gray.      HODR   P   FORB  GI       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 798
   (Fabac.) Sicklepod rush-pea
Hoffmanseggia glauca (Ort.) Eifert    HOGL   P   FORB  PC       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 797
    (Fabac.) (=H. densiflora Benth.)
    Hog potato
Hordeum murinum L. subsp. glaucum     HOMU   A  GRASS  CG       WI-SP   C3    INTR  KA 124
    (Steud.) Tsvelev (Poac.) Wall
Hybanthus verticillatus (Ort.) Baill. HYVE   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1078 S-2288
    (Viol.) Green-violet
Hymenopappus flavescens Gray. var.    HYFL   B   FORB  GI       SP-SU   .     .    CJ1703
    cano-tomentosus Gray. (Comp.)
Hymenoxys odorata (DC) Kuntz (Aster.) HYOD   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1678 L-1224
Ibervillea tenuisecta (Gray) Small    IBTE   P   VINE  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1511 S-2387
    (Cucurb.) Globe-berry
Ipomoea costellata Torr. (Convol.)    IPCO   A   VINE  GB          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1252
    Crested morning-glory
Ipomoea cristulata Hallier f.         IPCR   P   VINE  MS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1250 S-1952
    (Convol.) Scarlet creeper
Ipomopsis longiflora (Torr.) V.       IPLO   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1264
    Grant (Polemon.) Pale trumpets
Ipomopsis pumila Nutt. V. Grant.      IPPU   A   FORB  MW          SP   .     NAT  CJ1264
    (Polemon.) Dwarf gilia
Iva ambrosiaefolia (Gray)             IVAM   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1629 S-2910
    Gray (Aster.)
Iva dealbata Gray (Aster.)            IVDE   P   FORB  .           SU   .     NAT    CJ1629
    Wooly sump-weed
Janusia gracilis Gray (Malpig.)       JAGR   P   FORB  MS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 913 S-1953
Juniperus monosperma (Engelm.) Sarg.  JUMO   P   TREE  MS          .    C3    NAT  CJ  78
    (Cuppres.) One-seeded juniper
Kallstroemia hirsutissima Vail        KAHI   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 905
    (Zygo.)  Carpetweed
Kallstroemia parviflora Nort.         KAPA   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 904 S-2348
    (Zygo.) Mexican poppy
Koeberlinia spinosa Zucc. (Koeber.)   KOSP   P  SHRUB  TWTE      SP-SU  .     NAT  CJ1074
Krameria glandulosa Rose & Painter    KRPA   P  SHRUB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 890
    (Kram.) Range ratany
Krameria lanceolata Torr. (Kram.)     KRLA   P  S-SHR  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ 889 S-2347
    Prostrate ratany
Kuhnia chlorolepis Woot. & Standl.    KUCH   P   FORB  RS          SU   .     NAT  CJ1548
    (Aster.)Prairie boneset
Lappula Redowskii (Hornem.) Greene    LARE   A   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1293 S-2221
    (Borag.) Stickseed
Larrea tridentata (DC) Cov. (Zygo.)   LATR   P  SHRUB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 901
    Creosote bush, hediondilla
Lepidium lasiocarpum Nutt. (Cruc.)    LELA   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 696 S-2208
Lepidium montanum Nutl. var.          LEMO   P   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 695 P-6
    angustifolium C.L. Hitchc. (Cruc.)
    Mountain peppergrass
Lepidium virginicum L. var. medium    LEVI   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 697 S-2217
    (Greene) C.L. Hitchc. (Cruc.)
Leptochloa dubia (HBR) Nees. (Poac.)  LEDU   P  GRASS  MS          SU   C4    NAT  KA 126
    Green Sprangle-Top
Leptochloa viscida (Scribn.) Beal.    LEVS   A  GRASS  PC          SU   C4    NAT  KP 123
    (Poac.) Gum sprangle-top
Lesquerella Fendleri (Gray) Wats.     LEFE   P   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 704 S-2222
    (Cruc.) Bladderpod
Lesquerella Gordonii (Gray) Wats.     LEGO   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 702 S-2230
    (Cruc.) Bladderpod
Leucelene ericoides (Torr.) Greene    LEER   P   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1600 S-2257
Linanthus Bigelovii (Gray) Greene     LIBI   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1267
Linaria texana Scheele. (Scroph.)     LITE   A   FORB  GS          SP   .     NAT  CJ1426
    (= Nuttalanthus texanus Scheel)
    D.A. Sutton) Texas toadflax
Linum aristatum Engelm. var. australe LIAU   A   FORM  MW,EN3   SP-SU   .     .    KP 489
    (Heller) Kearney & Peebles (Lin.)
    Southern flax
Linum vernale (Woot.) Small. (Lin.)   LIVE   A   FORB  GI,MW    SP-SU   .     .    CJ 900
    Spring flax
Lotus neomexicanus Greene (Fabac.)    LONE   P   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  KP 428 S-2211
    New Mexico lotus
Lupinus concinnus Agardh. var.        LUCO   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 803 S-2206
    orcuttii (Wats.) C. P. Smith
    (Fabac.) Lupine
Lycium berlandieri Dun (Solan.)       LYBE   P  SHRUB  TA          SP   .     NAT  CJ1402
 Berlandieriís wolfberry

Lycium pallidum Miers. (Solan.)       LYPA   P  SHRUB  TA          SP   .     NAT  CJ1401
    Pale wolfberry
Machaeranthera gracilis (Nutt.)       HAGR   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1583 S-2388
    Shinners (Aster.)
    (syn. Haplopappus gracilis)
Machaeranthera linearis Greene        MALI   A   FORB  MW          SU   .     NAT  CJ1584
    Sand daisy (Comp.)
Machaeranthera pinnatifida (Hook.)    MAPI   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   .     .    CJ1582
    Shinners. (Aster.)
    Strapleaf spineaster
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia          MATA   A   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1585 S-2903
    (HBK) Nees (Aster.) Tahoka daisy
Malacothrix Fendleri Gray (Aster.)    MAFE   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1728 S-2214
    Desert dandelion
Mammillaria grahamii Engelm. (Cact.)  MAGR   P  ST-SU  GS           .  CAM    NAT  CJ1102
Mammillaria gummifera Engelm. var.    MAGU   P  ST-SU  BF          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1101
    applanata (Engelm.) L. Benson
Mammillaria wrightii Engelm.          MAWR   P  ST-SU  MS          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1102
    (Cact.) Pincushion cactus
Melampodium leucanthum T. & G.        MELE   P   FORB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1621
    (Aster.) Blackfoot
Menodora scabra Gray (Olea.)          MESC   P  S-SHR  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1196 S-1948
    Scabrous lime-shrub
Mentzelia albicaulis Dougl. (Loas.)   MEAL   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1084 S-2234
Mentzelia pumila (Nutt.) Gray (Loas.) MEPU   A   FORB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1083 S-2254
Microseris linearifolia (DC)          MILI   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1725
    Sch. Bip.  (Aster.)
Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl.   MILN   P   FORB  PC          SU    .    NAT  CJ 583
Mollugo Cerviana (L.) Ser. (Aizo.)    MOCE   A   FORB  BF          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 602 S-2650
    Threadstem carpetweed
Mollugo verticillata L. (Aizo.)       MOVE   A   FORB  GS       SP-SU   C4    NAT  CJ 602
    Indian chickweed
Morus microphylla Buckl. (Moraceae)   MOMI   P  SHRUB  MS          SP   .     NAT  CJ 497
    Mountain mulberry
Muhlenbergia arenacea (Buckl.)        MUAR   P  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA 138 W-s.n.
    Hitchc. (Poac.) Ear muhly
Muhlenbergia arenicola Buckl.         MUAN   P  GRASS  .           SU   C4    NAT  KA 145
Muhlenbergia Porteri Scribn. (Poac.)  MUPO   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA 136 S-2361
    Bush muhly
Munroa squarrosa (Nutt.) Torr.        MUSQ   A  GRASS  MW          SU   C4    NAT  KA 150
    (Poac.) False buffalo grass                        MR
Nama hispidum Gray (Hydro.)           NAHI   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1279 S-2215
Neolloydia intertexta (Engelm.) L.    NEIN   P  ST-SU  BF          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ1107
    Bens. var. intertexta and also
    var. dasyacantha (Engelm.) L. Bens.
    (Cact.) White viznagita
Nicotiana trigonophylla Dunal         NITR   B   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1407
    (Solan.) Desert tobacco,
None - plants absent from segment     NONE
Notholaena sinuata (Lag.) Kaulf.      NOSI   P   FERN  MS          .    C3    NAT  CJ  59
    (Polyp.) Wavy cloakfern
Notholaena Standleyi Maxon (Polyp.)   NOST   P   FERN  MS          .    C3    NAT  CJ  60
    Star cloakfern
Oenothera albicaulis Pursh (Onag.)    OEAL   A   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1131
    Prairie evening primrose
Oenothera caespitosa Nutt. var.       OECA   P   FORB  BS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1130
    australis (Woot. & Standl.) Munz
    (Onag.) Tufted evening primrose
Oenothera primiveris Gray (Onag.)     OEPR   A   FORB  BS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1130 S&W-2805
    Large yellow desert primrose
Opuntia imbricata (Haw.) DC (Cact.)   OPIM   P  ST-SU  BF       SP-SU  CAM    NAT  CJ1091
    Tree cholla, coyonostle
Opuntia leptocaulis DC (Cact.)        OPLE   P  ST-SU  BF       SP-SU  CAM    NAT  CJ1091
    Desert Christmas cactus, tasajillo
Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm. var.      OPPH   P  ST-SU  BF       SP-SU  CAM    NAT  CJ1093 S&M-2530
    discata (Engelm.) L. Bens. &
    Walk., & var. major Engelm.
Opuntia violacea Engelm. var.         OPVI   P  ST-SU  BF       SP-SU  CAM    NAT  CJ1093 S&M-2531
    Castetteri L. Bens., & var.
    macrocentra (Engelm.) L. Bens., &
    var. santa-rita (Griff. & Hare)
    L. Bens. (Cact.)
    Purple prickly pear
Palafoxia sphacelata (Torr.) Cory     PASP   A  FORB   GI       SP-SU    .    NAT  CJ1697 P-310
Panicum fasciculatum SW.              BRFA
   (= Brachiaria fasciculata)
Panicum hallii Vasey var. hallii      PAHA   P  GRASS  MS          SP   C4    NAT  KA 156
    Hall's panic grass
Panicum hirticaule Presl. (Poac.)     PAHI   A  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA 153 S-2383
Panicum obtusum HBK (Poac.)           PAOB   P  GRASS  PC          SU   C4    NAT  KA 153
Parthenium incanum HBK (Aster.)       PAIN   P  SHRUB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1626 S-2910
Pectis angustifolia Torr. (Aster.)    PEAN   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ1685 S-2380
     Lemmonweed (may include some
     P. papposa Gray)
Pectis papposa Gray (Aster.)          PEPA   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ1685 S-2149
    Chinchweed (lumped with P.
    angustifolia for analysis)
Pectis prostrata Cav. (Aster.)        PEPR   A   FORB  PS          SU    .    NAT  CJ1684
    Dwarf chinchweed
Pellaea longimucronata Hook. (Poly.)  PELO   P   FERN  MS          .    C3    NAT  CJ  54
Penstemon ambiguus Torr. (Scroph.)    PEAM   P  SHRUB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ1422
Perezia nana Gray (Aster.)            PENA   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1721 S-2285
    Desert holly
Perezia Wrightii Gray (Aster.)        PEWR   P   FORB  MS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1721
Petalostemum compactum (Spreng.)      PECO   P   FORB  GI          SU   .     NAT  CJ 830
    Swezey (Fabac.) Prairie clover
Phacelia coerulea Greene (Hydro.)     PHCO   A   FORB  BS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1276 S-2259
    Blue phacelia
Phacelia integrifolia Torr. (Hydro.)  PHIT   A   FORB  BD          SP   .     NAT  CJ1276
    Sand phacelia
Phacelia intermedia Woot. (Hydro.)    PHIN   A   FORB  BS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1276
    Wootonís phacelia
Phacelia popei T.&G. (Hydro.)         PHPO   A   FORB  TW          SP   .     NAT  CJ1276
    Popeís phacelia
Phaseolus acutifolius Gray. var.      PHAC   P   FORB  GS          SU   .     NAT  CJ 888 P-378
    acutifolius (Fabac.)
    Tepary bean
Phaseolus wrightii Gray. (Fabac.)     PHWR   P   FORB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ 887
Phyla incisa Small. (Verb.)           PHIC   P   FORB  .        SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1332
Physalis hederaefolia Gray (Solan.)   PHHE   P   FORB  MS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1390
Plantago patagonica Jacq. (Plantag.)  PLPA   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1478
    Patagonia plantain
Pleuraphis mutica Buckley             PLMU   P  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA 165
    (=Hilaria mutica) (Poac.)
    Tobosa grass
Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey subsp. POFE   P  GRASS  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  KA 172
    fendleriana (Poac.) Fendler's
Polanisia uniglandulosa (Cav.) DC     POUN   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ 707
    (Capp.) Clammyweed
Porophyllum scoparium Gray (Aster.)   POSC   P  SHRUB  MS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1686 S-2292
Portulaca mundula I.M. Johnst         POMU   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 607 S-2906
    (Port.) Chisme
Portulaca parvula Gray (Port.)        POPA   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 607
Portulaca oleracea L (Port.)          POOL   A   FORB  PC          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 607 S-2386A
Portulaca retusa Engelm. (Port.)      PORE   A   FORB  PS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 607
Portulaca suffrutescens Engelm.       POSU   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU    .    NAT  CJ 607
Proboscidea parviflora (Woot.) Woot.  PRPA   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1447
    & Standl. (Martyn.) Devil's claw
Prosopis glandulosa Torr. var.        PRGL   P  SHRUB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 783
    Torreyana (L. Benson) M.C. Johnston
    (Fabac.) (=P. juliflora) Mesquite
Psilostrophe tagetina (Nutt.) Greene. PSTA   P   FORB  GI       SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1701
Rafinesquia neomexicana Gray (Aster.) RANE   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1728
Ratibida columnaris (Sims) D. Don.    RACO   P   FORB  PC       SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ1644
Ratibida Tagetes (James) Barnh.       RATA   P   FORB  PC          SU   .     NAT  CJ1644
   (Aster.) Prairie cone-flower
Rhamnus betulaefolia Greene (Rhamn.)  RHBE   P  SHRUB  MS               C3    NAT  CJ1012
Rumex hymenosepalus Torr. (Polygon.)  RUHY   P   FORB  BD          SP   .     NAT  CJ 518
Rhus microphylla Engelm. (Anacard.)   RHMI   P  SHRUB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 991
    Little leaf sumac
Road                                  ROAD
Salsola Kali L (Chen.)                SAKA   A   FORB  BF       SP-SU   C4  INTRO  CJ 551
    Russian thistle, tumbleweed
Sanvitalia Abertii Gray. (Aster.)     SAAB   A   FORB  BF          SU   .     NAT  CJ1635
Sarcostemma cynanchoides Dcne.        SACY   P   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1237
    Schlecht. (Asclep.)
Sarcostemma cynanchoides Dcne. var.   SAHA   P   FORB  GS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1237
    Hartwegii (Vail) Shinners
    (=S. heterophyllum) (Ascelp.)
Schismus arabicus Nees (Poac.)        SCAR   A  GRASS  .           SP   .   INTRO  KA 179
Scleropogon brevifolius Phil. (Poac.) SCBR   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA 182
    Burro grass
Selenia dissecta T.&G. (Cruc.)        SEDS   A   FORB  .        SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ 692
    Texas selenia
Selinocarpus diffusus Gray (Nyct.)    SEDI   P  SHRUB  .        SP-SU   .     NAT  CJ 589
    Spreading moonpod
Senecio longilobus Benth. (Aster.)    SELO   P   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1712
    Thread-leaf groundsel
Senecio spartioides var. fremontii    SEFR   P   FORB  BF          SU   .     NAT  CJ1711
    (Torr. & A. Gray) Greenm. (Comp.)
    Riddellís groundsel
Setaria leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.)   SELE   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA 187 S-2381
    K. Schum. (Poac.)
Sida filicaulis T. & G. (Malv.)       SIFI   P   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1052 S-1939
Sida leprosa (Ort.) K. Schum. var.    SILE   P   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1051 S-2376
    sagittaefolia (Gray) I. Clem.
    (=S. lepidota) (Malv.)
Sida physocalyx Gray (Malv.)          SIPH   P   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1052 S-2367
Sisymbrium Irio L.                    SIIR   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3  INTRO  CJ 681
Soil pit (disturbed soil)             SOIL
    also listed as                    SOPI
Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. (Solan.)  SOEL   P   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1396
Sonchus oleraceus L. (Aster.)         SOOL   A   FORB  PS       SP-SU   .   INTRO  CJ1731
Sophora nuttalliana B.L. Turner       SONU   P   FORB  PC,PS       SP   C3    NAT  CJ 798
    (Fabac.) White loco
Sphaeralcea angustifolia (Cav.)       SPAN   P   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1046
    D. Don. (Malv.) Globe mallow
Sphaeralcea coccinea (Pursh) Rydb.    SPCC   P   FORB  GI       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1044
    (Malv.) Scarlet globe mallow
Sphaeralcea incana Torr.              SPIN   P   FORB  MS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1047
    (Malv.) Globe mallow
Sphaeralcea subhastata Coult. ssp.    SPSU   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1045 S-2294
    Martii (Cock.) Kearn. (Malv.)
    Globe mallow
Sphaerophysa salsula (Pall.) DC       SPSA   P   FORB  PC       SP-SU   C3  INTRO  CJ 837
    (Fabac.) (=Swainsona salsula)
Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr.     SPAI   P  GRASS  PTTE     SP-SU   C4    NAT  KA 194
    (Poac.) Alkali sacaton
Sporobolus contractus Hitchc. (Poac.) SPCO   P  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA 192
    Spike dropseed
Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray   SPCR   P  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA 193 S-2382
    (Poac.) Sand dropseed
Sporobolus flexuosus (Thurb.) Rydb.   SPFL   P  GRASS  BF          SU   C4    NAT  KA 193
    (Poac.) Mesa dropseed
Sporobolus giganteus Nash             SPGI   P  GRASS              SU    .    NAT  KA 195
Sporobolus pulvinatus Swallen (Poac.) SPPU   A  GRASS  PT          SU    .    NAT  KA 190
Stephanomeria exigua Nutt. (Aster.)   STEX   A   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1744
Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) A.   STPA   P   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1744 L-1234
    Nels (Aster.)
Streptanthus arizonicus Wats. Cory    STAR   A   FORB  BF          SP   C3    NAT  KP 331 S-2229
    (Cruc.) Twistflower
Talinum angustissimum (Gray) Woot. &  TAAN   P   FORB  BA       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 609 L-1231
    Standl. (Port.) Flame-flower
Talinum aurantiacum Engelm. (Port.)   TAAU   P   FORB  GI       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 609
Tecoma stans (L) HBK (Bignon.)        TEST   P  SHRUB  MS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1444
    Trumpet flower
Tetraclea Coulteri Gray. (Verb.)      TECO   P   FORB  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1342
Thelesperma megapotamicum (Spreng.)   THME   P   FORB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ1667
    O. Ktze. (Comp.)
Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.)        TILA   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4    NAT  CJ 571 S-2353
    Standl. (Amar.) Espanta vaqueros
Townsendia annua Beaman (Aster.)      TOAN   A   FORB  CSx         SP    .    NAT  CJ1610
Tragia ramosa Torr. (Euph.)           TRRA   P   FORB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ 950 S-2287
Tragopogon dubius Scop. (Aster.)      TRDU   B   FORB  PC          SU    .  INTRO  CJ1729 P-582
Tragus Berteronianus Schult. (Poac.)  TRBE   A  GRASS  BS          SU   C4    NAT  KA 202 S-2368
    Spike bur-grass
Tribulus terrestris L (Zygo.)         TRTE   A   FORB  BS          SU   C4  INTRO  CJ 905
    Puncture vine
Trichachne californica (see Digitaria)
Tridens muticus (Torr.) Nash. var.    TRMU   P  GRASS  BD          SU   C4    NAT  KA 203
    muticus (Poac.) Slim tridens
Trixis californica Kell. (Aster.)     TRCL   P  SHRUB  MS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1721 S-2293
Ungnadia speciosa Endl. (Sapin.)      UGSP   P  SHRUB  MS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ1006
    New Mexican buckeye
Verbena ambrosifolia Rydb. (Verb.)    VEAM   P   FORB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1324
    Western pink verbena
Verbena bracteata Lab. & Rodr.        VEBR   .   FORB  .        SP-SU   .   INTRO  CJ1322
Verbena wrightii Gray (Verb.)         VEWR   P   FORB  BS       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1325 S-2250
    Desert verbena
Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Gray     VEEN   A   FORB  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1657 S-2150
    (Aster.) Coropen daisy
Vicia ludoviciana Nutt. (Fabaceae)    VILU   A   FORB  BD          SP   .     NAT  CJ874
    Slim vetch
Viguiera annua (M. E. Jones) Blake    VIAN   A   FORB  RS          SU   .     NAT  CJ1646
Viguiera dentata (Cav.) Spreng.       VIDE   P   FORB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ1645
    (Aster.) Golden-eye
Vulpia octoflora (Walt.) Rydb.        VUOC   A  GRASS  BF          SP   C3    NAT  KA 208
    (Poac.) Common Sixweeksgrass
Xanthium strumarium L (Aster.)        XAST   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1634
Xanthocephalum microcephalum (DC)     XAMI   P  S-SHR  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1574 S-2904
    Shinners Snakeweed (Aster.)
Xanthocephalum Sarothrae (Pursh)      XASA   P  S-SHR  BF          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1574 S-2148
    Shinners (Aster.) Snakeweed
Xanthocephalum sphaerocephalum (Gray) XASP   A   FORB  PC          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1575 S-1938
    Shinners Broomweed (Aster.)
Xanthocephalum texanum (DC.)          XATE   A   FORB  .           SU   .     NAT  CJ1575
    Shinners (Comp.)
Yucca baccata Torr. (Agav.)           YUBA   P  LF-SU  BA          SP  CAM    NAT  CJ 397
    Banana yucca
Yucca elata Engelm. (Agav.)           YUEL   P  LF-SU  BS          SP   C3    NAT  CJ 400
    Soap-tree, palmella
Zephyranthes longifolia Hemsl.        ZELO   P  LF-SU  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ 418 L-1244
    (Amaryl) Zephyr lily
Zinnia acerosa (DC) Gray (Aster.)     ZIAC   P  S-SHR  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1634
    (=Z. pumila)
Zinnia grandiflora Nutt. (Aster.)     ZIGR   P  S-SHR  BS          SU   C3    NAT  CJ1634
Ziziphus obtusifolia (T&G)Gray (Rham) ZIOB   P  SHRUB  BF       SP-SU   C3    NAT  CJ1013 L-1239
    Lotebush (=Condalia lycioides)

*/  Expanded  from  a  checklist  for the former  NSF/IBP  JORNADA  SITE
        (compiled by R. Spellenberg) and one for NSF/LTERI JORNADA SITE
        (compiled by J. Ludwig and S. Wondzell). Additions by J. Anderson.
@/  Nomenclature, where possible (and except for grasses), follows Correll,
        D.S. and M.C. Johnston. 1970.  Manual of The Vascular Plants of
        Texas.   Texas Research Foundation,  Renner, TX.  1881 p.
    Grass nomenclature follows Allred, K. W. 1993. A Field Guide to the Grasses
        of New Mexico. Department of Agricultural Communications, NMSU,
        Las Cruces, NM.  259p.
$/  Field  Abbreviation  -  usually first 2 letters of genus  and  first  2
        letters of specific epithet.
%/  A = Annual; B = Biennial; P = Perennial
&/  FERN = fern; FORB =broad-leaved herb; GRASS = Grass or Graminoid;
        S-SHR = Sub-Shrub; ST-SU = Stem Succulent; LF-SU = Leaf Succulent;
#/  Habitat of greatest abundance:
    BA, BF, BS, & MS refer to area from Mt. Summerford and College playa
       to the northeast.
    Other habitats refer to specific LTER sites.

    BD=Biodiversity study area
    BA=Bajada Arroyos           CA=CC,CG,CS sites    GA=GB,GI,GS sites
    BF=Bajada Alluvial Fans     CC=Creosote-Caliche  GB=Grassland-Basin
    BS=Basin Swales and Slopes  CG=Creosote-Gravel   GI=Grassland-IBPE
                                CS=Creosote-Sand     GS=Grassland-Summerford
                                CSx=Creosote-Small   GX=Grassland-Small Mammal Exclosure
                                    Mammal Exclosure

    MA=MN,MR,MW sites             PA=PC,PS,PT sites     TA=TE,TT,TW sites
    MN=Mesquite-North             PC=Playa-College      TE=Tarbush-East
    MR=Mesquite-Rabbit Rain Gage  PS=Playa-Small        TT=Tarbush-Taylor Well
    MS=Mountain Slopes            PT=Playa-Tobosa Tank  TW=Tarbush-West
    MW=Mesquite-West Well         RS=road sides

?/  Period of most active growth/flowering ñ WI = Winter; SP = Spring; SU = Summer
+/  Carbon reduction pathway - PAR = parasite
#/  Status: NAT = native species; INTRO = introduced species.
!/  Nomenclature source:
    CJ(pg#) = Correll, D.S. and M.C. Johnston.  1970.  Manual of The Vascular
              Plants of Texas. Texas Research Foundation, Renner, TX. 1881 p.;
    KA(pg#) = Allred, K. W. 1993. A Field Guide to the Grasses of New Mexico.
              Department of Agricultural Communications, NMSU, Las Cruces, NM.
    KP(pg#) = Kearney, T.H. and R.H. Peebles. 1964. Arizona flora. Univ. of
              California Press, Berkely, CA. 1085 p.

=/  Collectors and Collection Numbers - L = John Ludwig;
    P = LTER Project collection; S = Richard Spellenberg; W = Paul Whitson

********************  BEGIN CHANGE LOG ********************
[all changes by John Anderson unless otherwise noted]

02/13/91   ADDED    Chenopodium atrovirens
                    Talinum aurantiacum

09/26/91   ADDED    Acanthochiton wrightii
                    Chamaesaracha coronopus
                    Hymenopappus flavescens var. cano-tomentosus
                    Lepidium montanum var. angustifolium
                    Leptochloa viscida
                    Linum vernale
                    Panicum fasciculatum
                    Portulaca retusa
                    Sphaeralcea coccinea

10/18/94   ADDED    Astragalus crassicarpus
                    Caesalpinia jamesii
                    Desmanthus cooleyi
                    Eriogonum annuum
                    Erysimum capitatum
                    Helianthus petiolaris
                    Machaeranthera pinnatifida
           CHANGED  Perennial to Annual
                       Chloris virgata
                       Proboscidea parviflora
                    Annual to Perennial
                       Enneapogon desvauxii

11/14/94   CHANGED  Coryphantha macromeris (Engelm.) Lem.
                TO  Coryphantha macromeris (Engelm.) Britt. & Rose
           CHANGED  Coryphantha vivipara (Engelm.) L. Benson
                TO  Coryphantha vivipara (Nutt.) Britt. & Rose
           CHANGED  Mammillaria wrightii (Engelm.) Britt. & Rose
                TO  Mammillaria wrightii Engelm.
           CHANGED  Opuntia imbricata (How.) DC
                TO  Opuntia imbricata (Haw.) DC
           These changes as per Correll & Johnston.

12/07/94   Due to changes in grass systematics, the source for grass
           nomenclature is
              Correll, D.S. and M.C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of the
               Vascular Plants of Texas. Texas Research Foundation,
               Renner, TX.  1881 p.
                Allred, Kelly W.  A Field Guide to the Grasses of
               New Mexico.  NMSU, Department of Agricultural
               Communications, Las Cruces, NM. 259 p.

           This has resulted in the following changes being made:

              code  species
     CHANGED  ARGL  Aristida glauca (Nees) Walp.
          TO  ARNE  A. purpurea Nutt. var. nealleyi (Vasey) Allred
     CHANGED  ARHA  Aristida hamulosa Henr.
          TO  ARHA  A. ternipes Cav.var. hamulosa (Herrard) Trent
     CHANGED  ARLO  Aristida longiseta Steud.
          TO  ARLO  A. purpurea Nutt. var. longiseta (Steud) Vasey
     CHANGED  ARPU  Aristida purpurea Nutt.
          TO  ARPU  A. purpurea Nutt. var. purpurea
     CHANGED  ARTE  Aristida ternipes Cav.
          TO  ARTE  A. ternipes Cav. var. ternipes
     CHANGED  ARWR  Aristida wrightii Nash.
          TO  ARWR  A. purpurea Nutt. var. wrightii (Nash) Allred
     CHANGED  BOSA  Bothriochloa saccaroides (Sw.) Rydb.
          TO  BOTO  B. laguroides (DC.) Herter subsp. Torreyana (Steud.)
                    Allred & Gould

12/07/94 (Continued)
     CHANGED  ERAR  Eragrostis arida Hitchc.
          TO  ERMI  E. pectinacea (Michx.) Nees var. miserrima
                    (Fourn.) J.Reeder
     CHANGED  ERPU  Erioneuron pulchellum (HBK) Takeoka
          TO  DAPU  Dasyochloa pulchella (H.B.K.) A.S. Hitchc.
     CHANGED  HIMU  Hilaria mutica (Buckl.) Benth.
          TO  PLMU  Pleuraphis mutica Buckley
     CHANGED  PAFA  Panicum fasciculatum SW.
          TO  BRFA  Brachiaria fasciculata (S.W.) Parodi
     CHANGED  PAHI  Panicum hallii Vasey
          TO  PAHI  Panicum hallii Vasey var. hallii
     CHANGED  POFE  Poa fendleriana Vasey
          TO  POFE  Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey subsp. fendleriana
     DELETED  SEMA  Setaria macrostachya HBK
                       This species deleted from species list as it does
                       not occur in Dona Ana county as per Allred.

05/04/95   ADDED    Sophora nuttalliana
                       Historically misidentified as Sphaerophysa salsula
                    Townsendia annua

05/29/95   ADDED    Hoffmanseggia drepanocarpa
                       Identified as H. glauca previously.

11/05/95   ADDED    Brachiaria arizonica

12/05/96   ADDED    Corispermum nitidum
                    Iva dealbata
                    Machaeranthera linearis

06/04/96   ADDED   Aristida pansa var. dissita
                   Aristida pansa var. pansa

08/29/96   ADDED   Eragrostis pectinacea var. pectinacea

09/13/96   ADDED   Palafoxia sphacelata

10/28/96   ADDED   Allionia choisyi
                   Amaranthus crassipes
                   Coryphantha scheeri
                   Dyssodia pentachaeta

01/24/97   ADDED   Ambrosia acanthicarpa
                   Asclepias nyctaginifolia (A. nyctaginifolia if found in western states.
                      A. oenotheroides is found in Great Plains.  These two meet in N.M.; may be
                      same species as suggested by Kelly Allred.  More characteristics match
                      A. nyctaginifolia than for A. oenotheroides.)

07/13/97   ADDED   Boerhavia wrightii

10/08/97   ADDED   Mammillaria grahamii (I.d. by Paul Hyder for Chris McGlone in spring 1997;
                   = M. microcarpa in Allredís A Field Guide to the Flora of the Jornada Plain)

10/10/97   ADDED   Phacelia intermedia

03/31/98  1COMMENT According to Dr. Richard Spellenberg the distinction between Gilia mexicana, G.
                   flavocincta (also called G. opthalmoides), and G. sinuata is not easily made with
                   the references we have available to us.  Characters such as (1)stems clasping vs.
                   not, (2)leaves reduces above rosette immediately or gradually, and (3)the extent
                   to which the corolla tube is exerted beyond the calyx are highly variable and do
                   not distinguish the species.  A taxonomic review needs to be done on this group,
                   and until then, Dr. Spellenberg suggests we just refer to them as the Gilia
                   sinuata group, which includes these 3 potential species.  Based on this
                   recommendation, Gilia spp. will in the future be identified as Gilia sinuate
                   with the understanding that it refers to the G. sinuata group. [See Comment of
                   01/24/07 below.(JPA)]

04/09/98   ADDED   Aristida havardii
                   Bothriochloa springfieldii
                   Dalea scoparia
                   Phaseolus atropurpureus [12/11/09: corrected to P. acutifolius per i.d. by K. Allred.]
                   Muhlenbergia arenicola
                   Oenothera scapoidea
                   Petalostemum compactum
                   Selinocarpus diffusus

04/23/99   ADDED   Hedyotis humifusa.  This is very common right now in USDA JER Pasture 13.
                   Voucher specimens have been collected by Chris McGlone.

08/02/99   ADDED   As per voucher collections compiled by Chris McGlone
                   Chenopodium cycloides
                   Mirabilis linearis
                   Portulaca suffrutescens
                   Tragopogon dubius

08/28/99   ADDED   As per voucher collections compiled by Chris McGlone
                   Amsonia arenaria
                   Avena fatua
                   Bothriochloa ischaemum
                   Cenchrus incertus
                   Cevallia sinuata
                   Euphorbia parryi
                   Froelichia arizonica
                   Garrya wrightii
                   Heliotropium greggii
                   Morus microphylla
                   Penstemon ambiguus
                   Phyla incisa
                   Schismus arabicus
                   Selenia dissecta
                   Sporobolus giganteus
                   Sporobolus pulvinatus
                   Thelesperma megapotamicum
                   Verbena bracteata
                   Viguiera dentata
                   Xanthocephalum texanum

09/01/99   ADDED   As per extensive field and herbarium work by Chris McGlone with verification by
      Rich Spellenberg:
      Lycium berlandieri

09/09/99   ADDED   Gilia sinuata Dougl. As per comment above dated 03/31/98.

09/09/99           See Comment of 03/31/98 above. [See Comment of 01/24/07 below.(JPA)]
     CHANGED  GIME  Gilia mexicana A.&V. Grant
          TO  GISI  G. sinuata Dougl.
     CHANGED  GIFL  Gilia flavocincta A. Nels. ssp. australis V. Grant
          TO  GISI  G. sinuata Dougl.

09/17/99   ADDED   As per voucher collected by Stephanie Richmond:
                   Tridens muticus

09/27/99   ADDED   As per voucher collected by Chris McGlone:
                   Heliotropium convolvulaceum

12/14/99   DELETED OESC (Oenothera scapoidea Nutt.) as per annotation of voucher specimen by
                   Kelly Allred.  Allred thinks specimen was browsed by animal which
                   resulted in abnormal growth form similar to O. scapoidea.  Voucher is
                   Camissonia chamaenerioides (Gray) Raven.

12/22/99   ADDED   Kuhnia chlorolepis (as per voucher collected by Chris McGlone)
                   Viguiera annua (as per voucher collected by Chris McGlone)

02/16/00   CHANGED SEDI to SEDS for Selenia dissecta T.&G. (Cruc.) because of conflict with
                   existing code. (John Anderson)
04/01/02   ADDED   Helianthus annuus (based on one observation by David & Karen Lightfoot during
                   Spring 1990 NPP measurements at LTER NPP site, G-SUMM. Individual was not
06/13/02   ADDED   Chrysothamnus pulchellus (John Anderson as per Mary Lucero of Jornada
                   Experimental Range)
09/23/02   ADDED   Pectis prostrata (Collected at P-SMAL by Michelle Buonopane.
                   I.d. by Justin Van Zee.
                   I.d. confirmed by John Anderson using Biology Herbarium vouchers.
11/27/02   DELETED Oenothera species  (Onag.) coded as OESP.  Unknown genus have been
                   standardized to first four letters of genus followed by sequence number
                   (usually 1) to identify it as an unknown.  These codes are no longer embedded
                   in the plant species list.
04/15/03   ADDED   Phacelia integrifolia (Voucher collected in channel by Biodiversity study
                      parking lot by Michelle Buonopane.
                   Vicia ludoviciana (Voucher collected in channel by Biodiversity study
                      parking lot by Michelle Buonopane.
05/08/03   ADDED   Rumex hymenosepalus as per Michelle Buonopane. Identified during Biodiversity
                   Vegetation Transects, Spring 2003. Unable to collect voucher as there was only
                   one plant found and it was in a quad. I.d. based on flowering stage as well as
                   later fruiting stage. A digital photo was taken also.
03/16/04   CHANGED Carbon pathway from C4 to C3 for Vulpia octoflora (Walt.) Rydb. as noted on page
                   69 of Cornelius, Joe M., Paul R. Kemp, John A. Ludwig, and Gary L. Cunningham.
                   1991. The distribution of vascular plant species and guilds in space and time
                   along a desert gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science 2: 59-72.
11/04/04   ADDED   Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. perplexa as per Jaime Lamit. Voucher in LTER
                   herbarium. Not uncommon at grassland Small Mammal Exclosure Study area in Jornada
                   Experimental Range, Pasture 9.
05/10/05   ADDED   Phacelia popei T.&G. (Hydro.). Common at T-WEST in Spring 2005. I.D. confirmed by
                   Kelly Allred of NMSU, Animal & Range Sciences Dept. Voucher provided to Allred.
                   Voucher to be placed in LTER herbarium.
06/16/06   ADDED   Ipomopsis pumila Nutt. V. Grant. (Polemon.). Occurred at T-WELL in Spring 2005.
                   I.D. by Dr. Kelly Allred of NMSU, Animal & Range Sciences Dept.
10/26/06   ADDED   Echinochloa colonum (L.) Link. Collected at P-COLL between NPP quads 15 and 16 on
                   Oct 16, 2006, by Clayton Crowder and identified by Kelly Allred of NMSU, Animal &
                   Range Sciences Dept. The specimen collected on which i.d. is based will be placed
                   in the LTER herbarium.
01/22/07   ADDED   Cryptantha pusilla (T.&G.) Greene (Borag.). Occurred at T-WEST in Spring 2005.
                   Voucher collected 5/19/05 by Jamie Lamit and placed in LTER herbarium.
                   Identification by Richard Spellenberg of NMSU, Biology Dept.
01/23/07           Corrected page formatting. [JPA]
01/24/07   CHANGE  The 3 species of Gilia (G. sinuate, G. Mexicana, G. flavocincta) were all lumped
                   as G. sinuate beginning in 1998. See change entries above dated 03/31/98 and
                   09/09/99. However, the field key to these 3 species is now thorough enough to
                   identify the 3 individual species. This has been verified with Dr. Richard
                   Spellenber. As a result, the GISI code used for the 3 species is now changed to
                   represent the individual species as given below. The expanded field key used is
                   that found in Kelly Allredís ìA Field Guide to the Flora of the Jornada Plainî,
                   Fifth Edition, June 2005.
           CHANGED  GISI  G. sinuata Dougl.
                TO  GIME  Gilia mexicana A.&V. Grant
           CHANGED  GISI  G. sinuata Dougl.
                TO  GIFL  Gilia flavocincta A. Nels. ssp. australis V. Grant
02/08/07   ADDED    Hordeum murinum L. subsp. glaucum (Steud.) Tsvelev. Identified by Kelly Allred
                    of NMSU, Animal & Range Sciences Dept. Very common in Rio Grande valley but not
                    previously listed for the Jornada Basin. Noted to occur at NPP site C-GRAV,
                    Quad 15 on February 6, 2007.
02/11/07   CHANGED  Hordeum murinum: Updated information per Kelly Allred. This is a cool season
                    grass (C3) typically flowering February-April, but sometimes as early as
                    December as as late as May, depending on temperature and precipitation. [JPA]
03/26/07   CHANGED  Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey subsp. Changed carbon pathway from C4 to C3 per
                    Kelly Allred. All Poa genera are C3. The error was identified by Karen Brown of
                    LANL on 3/26/07.
04/03/07   ADDED    Linaria texana Scheele. Collected 3/29/07 by Chandra Tucker-Britt next to LTER-I
                    Control Transect path between stations C81 & C 84 adjacent to LTER NPP G-SUMM
                    site. Identification by Kelly Allred of NMSU, Animal & Range Sciences Dept.
04/03/07   ADDED    Cryptantha barbigera (Gray) Greene. Collected outside LTER T-TAYL NPP site by
                    Louis Lamit in May 2005. Identification by Kelly Allred of NMSU, Animal & Range
                    Sciences Dept.
11/19/07   CHANGED  Changed spelling of Solanum elaegnifolium to Solanum elaeagnifolium
12/14/07   ADDED    Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht. Collected 9/1/06 by Dara Parker at G-SUMM site. ID
                    verified by Kelly Allred.
04/10/08   CHANGED  Changed spelling of Oenothera primaveris to Oenothera primiveris
03/25/09   ADDED    Dyssodia papposa (Vent.) Hitchc. Collected by Stephanie Baker between T-EAST
                    exclosure and Jornada Road from fall 2008.
12/08/09   ADDED    Phaseolus wrightii Gray. Photographed and vegetative segment with fruit
                    collected (for later i.d.) 10/27/2009 on LTER-I Transect Station T87 plant line
                    transect in EPTR. No voucher collected. Identification by Kelly Allred on
                    12/7/09. Newer authority makes it P. filiformis, but retaining nomenclature by
                    Correll & Johnston, it remains P. wrightii.
12/11/09   CHANGED  Changed Phaseolus atropurpureus DC. to P. acutifolius Gray var. acutifolius
                    based on identification by Kelly Allred on 12/11/09.
09/11/10   DELETED  Chenopodium atrovirens Rydb. (Cheno.) CHAT  A  FORB  PC  SP-SU  C3  NAT  CJ 535
                    From Key to the Flora of the Jornada Basin by Kelly Allred: ìEarlier reports of
                    Chenopodium atrovirens from the plains area were in error; that is a species of
                    middle- to upper elevations in the mountains.î
09/11/10   CHANGED	Changed spelling of Descurainea pinnata to Descurainia pinnata.
09/12/10   DELETED  Euphorbia species  EUSP   A   FORB  BS       SU   C4    NAT  CJ 955
                    This is no longer a valid code for an unknown Euphorbia species.
09/12/10   CHANGED  Changed spelling from Gallium microphyllum to Galium microphyllum.
09/13/10   DELETED  Chenopodium cycloides A. Nels.   CHCY   A   FORB  MR     SU    .    NAT  CJ 534
                    Per Kelly Allred (9/13/10), this species should not be here. It ìis found in a
                    few localities in the northeastern plains.î
09/13/10   DELETED  Condalia spathulata Gray (Rham.) COSP   P  SHRUB  BF     SU   C3    NAT  CJ1014
                    Per Kelly Allred (9/13/10), this species does not occur in NM. Previously
                    identified C. spathulata should be C. warnockii.
08/18/11   CHANGED  Changed ìformî from from FORB to S-SHR for Carlowrightia linearifolia (CALI)
09/19/12   ADDED    Senecio spartioides var. fremontii (SEFR) per Correll & Johnston. Newer
                    authority makes it S. riddellii Torrey & Gray, but retaining nomenclature by
                    Correll & Johnston, it remains Senecio spartioides var. fremontii. Collected in
                    deep sand berm at edge of road and arroyo on Summerford bajada (lat 32 30
                    58.29N, long 106 47 33.12W NAD83). Photos taken. ID by John Anderson.
09/20/12   ADDED    Bothriochloa barbinodis (BOBR). Flowering on LTER NPP site C-CALI Quad 2 in Sep
                    2012. Identification verified independently by John Anderson and Kirsten Romig.
10/22/12   CHANGED  Changed ìTragia stylaris Muell. Arg.î to ìTragia ramosa Torr.î per Correll &
                    Johnston. T. stylaris is listed by C&J as a synonym.
10/22/12   CHANGED  Changed status of Verbena bracteata from ìINTROî to ìNATî.
10/22/12   DELETED  Deleted synonym placeholder ìSwainsona salsula SPSA (see Sphaerophysa salsula)î.
10/22/12   ADDED    Added page number within authority to Echinochloa colonum.
10/22/12   CHANGED  Changed form from S-SHR to FORB for Calliandra humilis.
10/22/12   CHANGED  Changed from from FORB to S-SHR for Carlowrightia linearifolia.
10/31/14   ADDED    Linum aristatum Engelm. var. australe (Heller) Kearney & Peebles. This species
                    may have been confused with Linum vernale in the past.
12/04/14   ADDED    Bidens heterosperma (BIHE). Specimen collected 9/17/14 in the upper
                    grassland area below the powerline road on Summerford Mountain bajada near
                    LTER-I Transect station C76. Dominant vegetation is Bouteloua eriopoda.
                    Kelly Allred confirmed i.d. on 12/4/14.
11/04/14   ADDED    Added common name to Euphorbia parryi
                    Added common name to Ipomoea costellata
                    Added common name to Brickellia californica
                    Added common name to Brickellia laciniata
                    Added common name to Chenopodium incanum
                    Added common name to Chenopodium leptophyllum
                    Added common name to Condalia Warnockii
                    Added common name to Convolvulus equitans
                    Added common name to Corydalis aurea
                    Added common name to Coryphantha macromeris
                    Added common name to Coryphantha scheeri
                    Added common name to Coryphantha vivipara
                    Added common name to several Cryptantha spp
12/04/14   CHANGED  Family abbreviations:  Legum. to Fabac.; Comp. to Aster.; Gram. to Poac.
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